Monday, May 20, 2013

back to work . . . monday

monday monday monday monday monday

Here's what I wore for a Monday.  I'm back to work, but it is blessedly a short week.  We have Friday off---hooray!  You can't even imagine how much that means to me.  I'm thrilled.

I bought these white linen, off-white pants at Talbot's a year or two ago.  I love the idea of them.  The reality is that they are a bit too short and the cut is sort of "meh."  But I loved feeling a bit more dressed up and pulled together today, vs. wearing jeans to work.  Do you have any favorite, go-to sources for dressier pants for work?  I'm still looking.

As alway, thank you so much for stopping by!  

Outfit details:
linen pants:  Talbot's
striped top:  Anthro
denim jacket:  Old Navy
peep toe heels:  Clark's
jewelery:  Anthro, Etsy, J. Crew


  1. i love that shirt - it looks great on you!

    1. Thanks, Denise. It's an Anthro shirt I'm not getting very much use out of, but I wanted to give it another try, and I really do like it with these pants. Something else I learned from doing the blog . . .
      Thanks for reading and commenting, Denise. I really appreciate your support!

  2. I like the pants and shirt. I have a Denim jacket from Old Navy too.

